Tag Archives: web design

Panic Goes Nuts

Well, maybe not, but the folks at Pan­ic have just ini­ti­at­ed a 50% off sale. Of par­tic­u­lar inter­est for web design­ers and/or devel­op­ers are their love­ly Trans­mit (best FTP client ever) and Coda (one win­dow web devel­op­ment) offerings.

Free Book From Jeffrey Zeldman

Jef­frey Zeld­man should need no intro­duc­tion to any­one who works on design­ing and devel­op­ing on the web. He wrote a book called Tak­ing Your Tal­ent to the Web in 2001 to help print design­ers tran­si­tion to web design but, as it was released just in the midst of the dot-com crash, it did­n’t do very well. […]

Soma FontFriend Bookmarklet Released

I’ve been inspired by a few dif­fer­ent arti­cles to exper­i­ment with font stacks, but I want­ed a way to quick­ly see how dif­fer­ent font fam­i­lies looked with­in the con­text of my design right in the brows­er. For instance, how well does Geor­gia work as a fall­back for Con­stan­tia? (Pret­ty well.) How sim­i­lar are Hel­veti­ca Neue […]

WordPress Updates Admin (Again)

You can’t accuse the Word­Press devs of sit­ting on their lau­rels. A new admin inter­face was recent­ly released with ver­sion 2.5, and the team has now tak­en in feed­back from users and usabil­i­ty test­ing with the new­ly revamped design for 2.7.

Web Standards and IE 8 Part 2

The IE Team has just changed their mind about and decid­ed to pro­mote web stan­dards by default in IE 8. Web stan­dards-lovers every­where sing hal­lelu­jah, while incom­pe­tent design­ers will no doubt scream murder.