
NOTE: Soma Design is not cur­rent­ly offer­ing any of these ser­vices due to the fact that its prin­ci­pal Matt Wiebe is now work­ing for Automat­tic.

Here’s the stuff we do every day. If you don’t see what you need list­ed here, we prob­a­bly do that too. Ask away!

Website Design & Development

We’ll work with you to con­cep­tu­al­ize and dream big, cre­at­ing a site that com­bines sol­id func­tion­al­i­ty and dis­tinct per­son­al­i­ty. We’ll imple­ment it using best prac­tices in web standards.

Custom WordPress Development

We love work­ing with Word­Press – near­ly every­thing we do is built on top of it. From a big blog net­work to a local bed & break­fast, Word­Press can help you pub­lish your con­tent with­out wor­ry­ing about tech­ni­cal details or licens­ing fees. The answer to “can Word­Press ____?” is yes, and we can help.

Logo & Identity Design

Why deal with one design­er for your web­site and anoth­er for brand­ing and iden­ti­ty? We can help you design a com­pre­hen­sive iden­ti­ty pack­age, includ­ing logo, busi­ness cards, brochures, mag­a­zine ads, and more (even if you don’t need a website).

Content Management

Don’t want to call us every time your web­site needs updat­ing? Then you need a con­tent man­age­ment sys­tem (CMS) that will allow you to man­age, update and add con­tent to your web­site long after it’s gone live. We build web­sites on top of the pow­er­ful and easy-to-use Word­Press pub­lish­ing plat­form, giv­ing you con­trol of your site’s con­tent. If Word­Press isn’t a good fit for your site, we’ll work with what works for you.