Tag Archives: redesign

Redesign of mattwie.be

I just launched my redesign of my per­son­al blog mattwie.be (for­mer­ly mattwiebe.com) and I could­n’t be hap­pi­er to final­ly have it live. This is a full-cir­­cle moment for me, as tweak­ing my blog (first on Blog­ger, lat­er on Word­Press) was what launched me into web devel­op­ment. After see­ing that I could pro­duce bet­ter code and […]

WordPress Updates Admin (Again)

You can’t accuse the Word­Press devs of sit­ting on their lau­rels. A new admin inter­face was recent­ly released with ver­sion 2.5, and the team has now tak­en in feed­back from users and usabil­i­ty test­ing with the new­ly revamped design for 2.7.