I talked about webfonts at the January edition of the Winnipeg WordPress meetup. The slides are not that interesting, particularly out of the context of the presentation, but here you go: And, here’s the links from the last slide in clickable form: http://blog.typekit.com/2010/10/15/type-rendering-operating-systems/ http://www.typotheque.com/articles/hinting http://www.fontslive.com/info/typography/web-font-quality.aspx http://www.lucasfonts.com/fonts/thesans/thesans-office/features/ http://cl.ly/9PBw http://www.freetype.org/ttfautohint/ https://github.com/typekit/webfontloader/ http://somadesign.ca/projects/fontfriend/
Tag Archives: typography
Improve Windows Type Rendering With ttfautohint
In a stroke of genius, Werner Lemberg has started the ttfautohint project, which repurposes FreeType’s autohinting system to automatically hint TrueType fonts for improved Windows rendering. While no autohinter will be able to match the eye and skills of a manual hinter, ttfautohint provides real world improvements, sometimes dramatically. For example, I’m working as a […]
Web Typography Pain Points
When I launched mattwie.be, I said that I had some things to say about the state of CSS typographic controls. I’m making good on that threat. Things have come a long way from too-long measures of Times New Roman on a mid-gray background, but CSS still lags behind page layout software in many areas, which […]
Redesign of mattwie.be
I just launched my redesign of my personal blog mattwie.be (formerly mattwiebe.com) and I couldn’t be happier to finally have it live. This is a full-circle moment for me, as tweaking my blog (first on Blogger, later on WordPress) was what launched me into web development. After seeing that I could produce better code and […]
FontFriend 2.5
FontFriend was designed and coded as during the twilight of the pre-webfont era. In fact, it was abstracted out of some code I’d been using while developing the CSS font stacks for my WordPress theme The Erudite. I haven’t been using it much as of late, as I’ve been wearing my developer hat more than […]