Category Archives: WordPress

Goodbye Soma, Hello Automattic

I’m excit­ed (and maybe a touch sad) to announce that I’m shut­ter­ing Soma Design to join the great, grow­ing team at Automat­tic to help build the best pub­lish­ing plat­form on the plan­et. As a Theme Engi­neer, I’ll be work­ing with the brand-new Cus­tom Design team to pro­vide some awe­some tools for cus­tomiz­ing your theme […]

Intro to Webfonts Presentation

I talked about web­fonts at the Jan­u­ary edi­tion of the Win­nipeg Word­Press meet­up. The slides are not that inter­est­ing, par­tic­u­lar­ly out of the con­text of the pre­sen­ta­tion, but here you go: And, here’s the links from the last slide in click­able form: Theme Review Process is Broken

Update: The Eru­dite 3.0.2 is now live on I’ve already crit­i­cized the Theme Review process when it first launched. Things seemed to be improv­ing, but either the team is poor­ly orga­nized, severe­ly under-pow­ered, or both. The Eru­dite 3.0 has been in review for 3 months, 3.0.2 since Sept 28. The review tick­et was assigned […]

WordPress Portfolio Presentation

As promised, here’s the fol­low-up infor­ma­tion on my Pow­er Your Port­fo­lio With Word­Press pre­sen­ta­tion that I gave at New Media Man­i­to­ba yes­ter­day. I’m grate­ful that they gave me a chance to present, and dou­bly grate­ful that so many peo­ple came out on a hot sum­mer night to hear me ram­ble about nerdy Word­Press things. Firstly, […]

Some Cranky WordPress Plugins

It looks like I may carve out a niche for cranky Word­Press plu­g­ins. This could either be seen as a per­son­al­i­ty flaw or as a per­fect fit with­in open-source cul­ture. In either case, Word­Press makes it easy for irri­ta­ble peo­ple to release plu­g­ins to change what they don’t like about it. I’ve done so twice […]