Category Archives: Soma Design

Goodbye Soma, Hello Automattic

I’m excit­ed (and maybe a touch sad) to announce that I’m shut­ter­ing Soma Design to join the great, grow­ing team at Automat­tic to help build the best pub­lish­ing plat­form on the plan­et. As a Theme Engi­neer, I’ll be work­ing with the brand-new Cus­tom Design team to pro­vide some awe­some tools for cus­tomiz­ing your theme […]

FontFriend 3.0 Released

I’m pleased to announce the imme­di­ate release of Font­Friend 3.0, the Type­kit inte­gra­tion edi­tion. Invok­ing the book­marklet on any Type­­k­it-enabled page will automag­i­cal­ly throw all the fonts in your kit into the cus­tom fam­i­lies list. I’ve set up a demo page with Font­Friend embed­ded and a big Type­kit kit. My main imag­ined use-case for this feature […]

FontFriend in Print

Font­Friend got a lit­tle shoutout in this mon­th’s issue of Print mag­a­zine. Thanks to Bev for let­ting me know! Print does­n’t seem to put much of their mag­a­zine’s con­tent on their web­site, so I took the pho­to above. If you don’t feel like read­ing the grainy iPhone pho­to (no, I was­n’t about to spend $20 […]

Soma Design v0.8

Wel­come to the first blog post of the new site. There’s still some blood, sweat and tears being poured into this thing, but I’d say I’m 80% sat­is­fied with the progress, thus the “v0.8” in the title.