After seeing that Ian’s learning Colemak, I decided to go for it too. Colemak is easier to switch to than Dvorak, and possibly even more efficient to boot.
However, I couldn’t find a keyboard layout that I wanted to print and look at every day. I found a Mac Keyboard Vector with a CC license and made my own tweaks. I condensed the keyboard, and also greyed-out the keys that are unchanged from Qwerty. Download below:
Consider it licensed under the same CC license as above.
Nice work. I have another craft project to do it seems. 🙂
Great PDF — very useful. One suggestion: you might want to grey out the entire top row (numbers/symbols), since they don’t change. Thanks for putting this together!
Now you’ll have to compete against other Automatticians in a race… dvorak vs colemark, go!
I’ll probably need another year for that…
Nicely done. Thanks for this!
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