Category Archives: Web Standards

Web Typography Pain Points

When I launched, I said that I had some things to say about the state of CSS typo­graph­ic con­trols. I’m mak­ing good on that threat. Things have come a long way from too-long mea­sures of Times New Roman on a mid-gray back­ground, but CSS still lags behind page lay­out soft­ware in many areas, which […]

The Definitive @font-face Syntax

UPDATE: The syn­tax has already been improved to favour IE9 load­ing WOFF instead of EOT, thanks to some sleuthing by the CSS Nin­ja. UPDATE 2: The syn­tax now uses a ? instead of a # because local IE requests choked on the #. Ethan Dun­ham of Font Squir­rel and Fontspring fame has just released the defin­i­tive @font-face syntax. […]

Testing IE9’s WOFF Support

IE9 offi­cial­ly sup­ports the new WOFF for­mat for embed­ding web­fonts. And there was much rejoic­ing. But, the ques­tion that’s been nag­ging away at me has been: how do we as web devel­op­ers account for IE’s lega­cy EOT for­mat while giv­ing pref­er­en­tial treat­ment to the emerg­ing WOFF stan­dard? The short answer is: keep using Paul Irish’s […]

That Delicious @font-face

As of a cou­ple of min­utes ago, this site has rel­e­gat­ed the ven­er­a­ble sIFR to the dust­bin of his­to­ry, opt­ing instead for the bright future of true cus­tom fonts using the @font-face CSS dec­la­ra­tion that has been around since 1998. Why it took so long for cus­tom web fonts to become an in-brows­er real­i­ty is […]

Web Standards Curriculum

Opera has released the begin­nings of a ter­rif­ic (and free) web stan­dards cur­ricu­lum. This should be a good resource for design­ers to edu­cate their clients!