Tag Archives: Web Standards

On the iPad and Web Design

As usu­al, Apple’s newest cre­ation has pro­duced opin­ions. The rhetoric of those for and against it is pre­dictably strong and, occa­sion­al­ly, ridicu­lous. I don’t care to add my voice to the din. My atten­tion is more fix­at­ed on the fact that if the iPad is suc­cess­ful, we’ll have to say good­bye to a whole host […]

Web Standards Curriculum

Opera has released the begin­nings of a ter­rif­ic (and free) web stan­dards cur­ricu­lum. This should be a good resource for design­ers to edu­cate their clients!

Web Standards and IE 8 Part 2

The IE Team has just changed their mind about and decid­ed to pro­mote web stan­dards by default in IE 8. Web stan­dards-lovers every­where sing hal­lelu­jah, while incom­pe­tent design­ers will no doubt scream murder. 

Web Standards and IE 8

Inter­net Explor­er and web stan­dards have nev­er been the best of friends. IE 8 pro­pos­es some non-stan­dard behav­ior in the ulti­mate hopes to pro­mote bet­ter web stan­dards. Is this the way for­ward or a painful regression?