Tag Archives: typography

Soma Web Font Specimen

When Tim Brown released v2 of the Web Font Spec­i­men (WFS) a few weeks back, he hon­oured me by ask­ing for my feed­back a cou­ple of days before releas­ing it to the world. I had a cou­ple of sug­ges­tions that he took into con­sid­er­a­tion but ulti­mate­ly decid­ed to leave aside. Since he licensed WFS with […]

FontFriend 1.0 Released

I haven’t giv­en Font­Friend much atten­tion since it was released, but I put­tered around with it a bit over the week­end and fig­ured that it deserves a prop­er 1.0 release now. If you’re already using the book­marklet, you’re run­ning the lat­est and great­est auto­mat­i­cal­ly. Fea­tures added in 1.0 include: a field for a cus­tom font […]

Soma FontFriend Bookmarklet Released

I’ve been inspired by a few dif­fer­ent arti­cles to exper­i­ment with font stacks, but I want­ed a way to quick­ly see how dif­fer­ent font fam­i­lies looked with­in the con­text of my design right in the brows­er. For instance, how well does Geor­gia work as a fall­back for Con­stan­tia? (Pret­ty well.) How sim­i­lar are Hel­veti­ca Neue […]