Tag Archives: @font-face

Testing IE9’s WOFF Support

IE9 offi­cial­ly sup­ports the new WOFF for­mat for embed­ding web­fonts. And there was much rejoic­ing. But, the ques­tion that’s been nag­ging away at me has been: how do we as web devel­op­ers account for IE’s lega­cy EOT for­mat while giv­ing pref­er­en­tial treat­ment to the emerg­ing WOFF stan­dard? The short answer is: keep using Paul Irish’s […]

Good Web Fonts

This isn’t “new” news, but in the web­font wild west, qual­i­ty might pass you by. One large prob­lem with web­fonts is that the qual­i­ty of most fonts that are suit­ably licensed for web­font embedding—in oth­er words, free fonts—is not that high. Ser­vices such as Type­kit remain the pre­dom­i­nant way to get your hands on high-quality […]

FontFriend in Print

Font­Friend got a lit­tle shoutout in this mon­th’s issue of Print mag­a­zine. Thanks to Bev for let­ting me know! Print does­n’t seem to put much of their mag­a­zine’s con­tent on their web­site, so I took the pho­to above. If you don’t feel like read­ing the grainy iPhone pho­to (no, I was­n’t about to spend $20 […]

Subsetted Fallback Fonts

I recent­ly launched thatwasnotok.com, a humourous take on how to han­dle social un-graces. One of the fun parts of design­ing and build­ing the site was the free­dom to work with a font like Chunk with­out resort­ing to embed­ding it in images or using sIFR or Cufon. I showed it to Tim Brown from Nice Web […]

That Was Not OK

The Idea Have you ever found your­self in a social set­ting where some­one’s inad­e­quate social skills cause con­ster­na­tion to every­one around them? Of course you have. Have you ever wished there was a way to dis­creet­ly tell them that their behav­iour is not OK? Now you can. That Was Not OK is here to help. Print […]