That Was Not OK

The Idea

Have you ever found your­self in a social set­ting where some­one’s inad­e­quate social skills cause con­ster­na­tion to every­one around them? Of course you have. Have you ever wished there was a way to dis­creet­ly tell them that their behav­iour is not OK?

Now you can. That Was Not OK is here to help. Print the cards, and keep them in your wal­let for just just such situations.

The Design

For the web nerds out there, this turned out to be a fun show­case for what can be done with native font embed­ding via @font-face. Thanks to Jonathan Snook, Paul Irish and Font Squir­rel for their ter­rif­ic work in tak­ing font embed­ding from a new and untest­ed tech­nol­o­gy to an increas­ing­ly viable tool in the web design toolbelt.

For the embed­ded font, I turned to The League of Move­able Type’s brash Chunk, an ultra-bold slab serif that helped the typog­ra­phy shout at you. (If the font were less intim­i­dat­ing, I’d ask it why it’s miss­ing an amper­sand and smart quotes.) I found that the all-caps main title need­ed some seri­ous kern­ing, but I’m real­ly hap­py with the end product.


  1. Posted November 4, 2009 at 8:21 pm | Permalink

    Great cards, and I have had many occa­sions when I could have used them — includ­ing last Fri­day, when a (I won’t say gentle)man out­right told me he thought I should deceive my clients and use his ser­vices. Your cards might have been a bit too sub­tle for him! Love the card design as well, and will share.

  2. Matt
    Posted November 5, 2009 at 9:23 am | Permalink

    @kel­ly cheers. 🙂

  3. Fred
    Posted December 23, 2009 at 1:24 pm | Permalink

    I gave a card to some­one who was dou­ble dip­ping at a frat par­ty we were hav­ing over at Stu’s flat in essex and it worked so well that we all went over to Julie’s com­put­er and down­loaded a whole bunch and then made Christ­mas orna­ments out of them. It was so much fun that we did it again the next day only this time char­lie had a whole stack and we tried to guess how many he had in his hand. That was a great gathering.

  4. Matt
    Posted December 24, 2009 at 3:43 pm | Permalink

    @Fred I am amused by your inven­tive use of the cards. 🙂

  5. Andrea
    Posted December 20, 2012 at 6:56 pm | Permalink

    I am always see­ing peo­ple around town being rude to oth­ers. I know this was put up a few years ago but it is still rel­e­vant today sad­ly. I wish I had one to give to a cou­ple of peo­ple that my boyfriend works with.