Tag Archives: wordpress

WordPress 2.5 Released

WP 2.5 boasts a com­plete­ly redesigned admin­is­tra­tion inter­face, a new media uploader, built-in avatar sup­port and much more.

WordPress 2.5 Released (Almost)

Word­Press 2.5 moves into Release Can­di­date 1, mean­ing that the most user-friend­ly ver­sion of Word­Press yet is almost ready for pub­lic con­sump­tion. More inside about what has changed.

Automattic Raises $29.5 Million

Automat­tic, the com­pa­ny behind the WordPress.com ser­vice and open-source blog­ging soft­ware, just announced a sec­ond round of fund­ing. What are the implications?

Soma Design v0.8

Wel­come to the first blog post of the new site. There’s still some blood, sweat and tears being poured into this thing, but I’d say I’m 80% sat­is­fied with the progress, thus the “v0.8” in the title.