WordPress 2.5 Released (Almost)

If you stick around this site for any length of time, you’ll know that I’m a big fan of Word­Press, the fan­tas­tic open-source blog­ging and CMS plat­form. I’ve got­ten to know it’s (most­ly) intel­li­gent meth­ods of oper­a­tion over the last year and a bit, and I must say that I’m impressed.

But Word­Press 2.5 rep­re­sents a big step for­ward in usabil­i­ty. The admin­is­tra­tion area has under­gone a com­plete redesign, mak­ing for a bet­ter user expe­ri­ence when doing the impor­tant tasks of con­tent man­age­ment. Today the Word­Press devel­op­ment team announced Release Can­di­date 1 of v2.5, and take you on a tour of the high­lights of the new user inter­face, includ­ing a new rich text edi­tor, bet­ter filed upload­ing (includ­ing mul­ti-file upload­ing), a new gallery fea­ture, auto-updat­ing of plu­g­ins, and more.

I’ll be mov­ing this site over very soon.