Tag Archives: wordpress

The Erudite WordPress Theme

Most Word­Press themes are about more graph­ics, more bling, more spots for ban­ners ads and cus­tomiza­tion out the wazoo. There’s sure­ly a place for some of that. But some peo­ple start­ed blog­ging to, you know, write. The Eru­dite is a Word­Press theme for writ­ers. You can see it in action, or go to the project page […]

CSS Defense Against MS Word

Copy and past­ing from MS Word into a CMS visu­al edi­tor pro­duces a world of styl­is­tic hurt. Some defen­sive CSS styles come to the rescue.

WordPress Updates Admin (Again)

You can’t accuse the Word­Press devs of sit­ting on their lau­rels. A new admin inter­face was recent­ly released with ver­sion 2.5, and the team has now tak­en in feed­back from users and usabil­i­ty test­ing with the new­ly revamped design for 2.7.

WordPress Themes Directory

Today the Word­Press devel­op­ers announced the re-open­ing of the (long await­ed) new and improved WP theme direc­to­ry. Although some ques­tions remain, this is a very wel­come announcement.

WordPress 2.6 Released

Word­Press 2.6 is released way ahead of sched­ule, with new use­ful fea­tures such as post revi­sions, an impres­sive book­marklet, great­ly enhanced pho­to gallery fea­tures, theme pre­view­ing and Gears integration.