Category Archives: Design

FontFriend 2.5

Font­Friend was designed and cod­ed as dur­ing the twi­light of the pre-web­­font era. In fact, it was abstract­ed out of some code I’d been using while devel­op­ing the CSS font stacks for my Word­Press theme The Eru­dite. I haven’t been using it much as of late, as I’ve been wear­ing my devel­op­er hat more than […]

Better Web Reading

It’s damn hard to read web con­tent some­times. Too-small text, arti­cles split over mul­ti­ple pages, gra­tu­itous ban­ner ads, design that steals you atten­tion from the actu­al con­tent: these all con­spire to make read­ing on the web—especially long-form content—frustrating, painful and some­times down­right infu­ri­at­ing. 2010 saw two major approach­es to this come to some degree of […]

Soma Web Font Specimen

When Tim Brown released v2 of the Web Font Spec­i­men (WFS) a few weeks back, he hon­oured me by ask­ing for my feed­back a cou­ple of days before releas­ing it to the world. I had a cou­ple of sug­ges­tions that he took into con­sid­er­a­tion but ulti­mate­ly decid­ed to leave aside. Since he licensed WFS with […]

The New Web Font Specimen

Tim Brown released the Web Font Spec­i­men in con­junc­tion with his arti­cle Real Web Type in Real Web Con­text on A List Apart back in Novem­ber. He updat­ed it last week to v2 which is laser-focused on see­ing what your type looks like in your brows­er. One very cool com­po­nent of this release is that […]

Good Web Fonts

This isn’t “new” news, but in the web­font wild west, qual­i­ty might pass you by. One large prob­lem with web­fonts is that the qual­i­ty of most fonts that are suit­ably licensed for web­font embedding—in oth­er words, free fonts—is not that high. Ser­vices such as Type­kit remain the pre­dom­i­nant way to get your hands on high-quality […]