FontFriend was designed and coded as during the twilight of the pre-webfont era. In fact, it was abstracted out of some code I’d been using while developing the CSS font stacks for my WordPress theme The Erudite. I haven’t been using it much as of late, as I’ve been wearing my developer hat more than […]
Category Archives: Design
Better Web Reading
It’s damn hard to read web content sometimes. Too-small text, articles split over multiple pages, gratuitous banner ads, design that steals you attention from the actual content: these all conspire to make reading on the web—especially long-form content—frustrating, painful and sometimes downright infuriating. 2010 saw two major approaches to this come to some degree of […]
Soma Web Font Specimen
When Tim Brown released v2 of the Web Font Specimen (WFS) a few weeks back, he honoured me by asking for my feedback a couple of days before releasing it to the world. I had a couple of suggestions that he took into consideration but ultimately decided to leave aside. Since he licensed WFS with […]
The New Web Font Specimen
Tim Brown released the Web Font Specimen in conjunction with his article Real Web Type in Real Web Context on A List Apart back in November. He updated it last week to v2 which is laser-focused on seeing what your type looks like in your browser. One very cool component of this release is that […]
Good Web Fonts
This isn’t “new” news, but in the webfont wild west, quality might pass you by. One large problem with webfonts is that the quality of most fonts that are suitably licensed for webfont embedding—in other words, free fonts—is not that high. Services such as Typekit remain the predominant way to get your hands on high-quality […]