The Erudite 2.6.1 Released

First off, it’s been a wild ride since The Eru­dite was made a fea­tured theme in the themes direc­to­ry. It went from about 20 down­loads a day to over 200! With it has come an increase in bug reports and a some help with more trans­la­tions. I hope that all of these down­loads means that some kick­ass writ­ing is being done.

The Eru­dite 2.6.1 is a main­te­nance release pack­ing a lot of pow­er for such a lit­tle incre­ment. It includes:

  • Bet­ter sup­port for the upcom­ing WP 3.0’s cus­tom menus. You can now explic­it­ly set a menu as your “Head­er Menu”.
  • Prop­er­ly inter­na­tion­al­ized some strings that weren’t pre­vi­ous­ly. If you’re a trans­la­tor, update to the newest the-erudite.pot in the translations/ directory.
  • Removed pre­vi­ous use of get_the_modified_author() in favour of get_the_author(). I have no idea why I thought the for­mer was ever a use­ful idea.
  • Added a Swedish trans­la­tion. Props Fredrik.

EDIT: I neglect­ed to add the Nor­we­gian trans­la­tion to 2.6.1, so 2.6.2 includes that. Thanks Rune!

As always, you can down­load from the project page while wait­ing for it to show up in the themes direc­to­ry.

One Comment

  1. sheri
    Posted June 3, 2010 at 12:33 pm | Permalink

    Love this theme. LOVEIT.