Seth Godin should need no introduction to anyone on the web. What might need introduction is his new venture called the Domino Project, in which he’s partnering with Amazon to rethink the fatally flawed current publishing model. And, to get it up and running, he’s running WordPress and a lightly tweaked version of The Erudite. Fun to see it used on a high-profile site!
HT Rick from Stylesheeter
That’s so cool, Matt! I found your site via Seth’s Domino Project site, and was promptly impressed with your style.
As a writer myself, I’m looking into using Erudite for one of my sites. Thanks for providing this resource to the world!
Keep up the great work!
Thanks for the link to the domino project.
The Erudite is elegant minimalism.
After scouring themes for my own page, it’s apparent that this is a hard-to-find quality.
It also comes as close as possible to capturing the essence of the printed page on the web, without using kitschy dog ears and paper textures.
Great work.