Category Archives: News

Panic Goes Nuts

Well, maybe not, but the folks at Pan­ic have just ini­ti­at­ed a 50% off sale. Of par­tic­u­lar inter­est for web design­ers and/or devel­op­ers are their love­ly Trans­mit (best FTP client ever) and Coda (one win­dow web devel­op­ment) offerings.

A List Apart Survey

A List Apart is run­ning their 2nd annu­al Sur­vey for Peo­ple Who Make Web­sites. If you make web­sites (we do!) go take the sur­vey (we did!).

One Million Domains

CIRA cel­e­brates One Mil­lion Domains, and Soma Design gets fea­tured in the fun.

Automattic Raises $29.5 Million

Automat­tic, the com­pa­ny behind the ser­vice and open-source blog­ging soft­ware, just announced a sec­ond round of fund­ing. What are the implications?

#7 in Google Search!

After a mere week online, Soma Design now shows up on the front page of a Google search for soma design. We’re #7 and hope­ful­ly mov­ing up!