Category Archives: Design

Realistic CSS3 Buttons Redux

A cou­ple of weeks ago I post­ed Real­is­tic Look­ing CSS3 But­tons, in which I tried to make awe­­some-look­ing CSS3 but­tons that required no extra markup. For peo­ple who like more code and less talk, the end of the post has the link to the demo. As awe­some as they were, they required an explic­it width. This […]

Realistic Looking CSS3 Buttons

UPDATE: I pub­lished Real­is­tic CSS3 But­tons Redux to make even bet­ter but­tons. A while back Mike Run­dle post­ed the ter­rif­ic arti­cle Craft­ing Sub­tle & Real­is­tic User Inter­faces. He clear­ly artic­u­lates design details which make but­tons look real­is­tic and there­fore push-able. If you haven’t read it, go there, spend lots of time look­ing at his excellent […]

On the iPad and Web Design

As usu­al, Apple’s newest cre­ation has pro­duced opin­ions. The rhetoric of those for and against it is pre­dictably strong and, occa­sion­al­ly, ridicu­lous. I don’t care to add my voice to the din. My atten­tion is more fix­at­ed on the fact that if the iPad is suc­cess­ful, we’ll have to say good­bye to a whole host […]

Subsetted Fallback Fonts

I recent­ly launched, a humourous take on how to han­dle social un-graces. One of the fun parts of design­ing and build­ing the site was the free­dom to work with a font like Chunk with­out resort­ing to embed­ding it in images or using sIFR or Cufon. I showed it to Tim Brown from Nice Web […]

That Was Not OK

The Idea Have you ever found your­self in a social set­ting where some­one’s inad­e­quate social skills cause con­ster­na­tion to every­one around them? Of course you have. Have you ever wished there was a way to dis­creet­ly tell them that their behav­iour is not OK? Now you can. That Was Not OK is here to help. Print […]