Author Archives: Matt

Seth Godin Chooses The Erudite

Seth Godin should need no intro­duc­tion to any­one on the web. What might need intro­duc­tion is his new ven­ture called the Domi­no Project, in which he’s part­ner­ing with Ama­zon to rethink the fatal­ly flawed cur­rent pub­lish­ing mod­el. And, to get it up and run­ning, he’s run­ning Word­Press and a light­ly tweaked ver­sion of The Erudite. […]

The Erudite 2.7.7 Released

At long last: a new release of The Eru­dite that isn’t only avail­able on my site, but also on the theme direc­to­ry. As I pre­vi­ous­ly wrote, this has been a mas­sive pain in the ass due to the new theme require­ments. 2.7.7 intro­duces an option for page com­ments, which are on by default in […] Theme Requirements Are a Drag

I tweet­ed a while ago about my mixed feel­ings about the new theme require­ments. They’ve already bit­ten me on the release of The Eru­dite 2.7.4, which was not approved by the theme direc­to­ry folks for fail­ing to meet a num­ber of require­ments. High stan­dards are a great thing. Over­all I think that the theme […]

The Erudite 2.7.4 Released

The Eru­dite 2.7.4 has been released. I made some typog­ra­phy tweaks, cleaned up some code, and added 4(!) new trans­la­tions: Brazil­ian Por­tuguese, Ital­ian, Ger­man and Russ­ian. As always, the theme is avail­able on the project page while the gears grind slow­ly over at the WP Repo.

Soma Web Font Specimen

When Tim Brown released v2 of the Web Font Spec­i­men (WFS) a few weeks back, he hon­oured me by ask­ing for my feed­back a cou­ple of days before releas­ing it to the world. I had a cou­ple of sug­ges­tions that he took into con­sid­er­a­tion but ulti­mate­ly decid­ed to leave aside. Since he licensed WFS with […]