The Erudite 2.7.7 Released

At long last: a new release of The Eru­dite that isn’t only avail­able on my site, but also on the theme direc­to­ry. As I pre­vi­ous­ly wrote, this has been a mas­sive pain in the ass due to the new theme require­ments. 2.7.7 intro­duces an option for page com­ments, which are on by default in WP, but off by default in my theme because pages should not have them. It also added a Span­ish trans­la­tion thanks to Juanjo.

If you only upgrade through the WP admin pan­el, you can check the changel­og on the project page to see what’s changed since 2.7.2 (the last release approved on the theme directory).


  1. Posted November 4, 2010 at 1:00 pm | Permalink

    Well, I would agree with you that page should­n’t need (have) a com­ment form (for what?).

    I’d real­ly love to trans­late the new theme, I wish I can do it after fin­ish­ing some offline task from faculty :).

  2. Toast
    Posted November 11, 2010 at 12:36 pm | Permalink

    I love your theme! Thank you so much for all your hard work on it! I Agree with you about not hav­ing com­ments on pages, too.

    I do have a ques­tion though. I can’t fig­ure out how to prop­er­ly for­mat a tra­di­tion­al clos­ing such as:


    There’s an auto­mat­ic [indent and line space] applied to each stroke of the “Return” key on my key­board. This is great for writ­ing with long para­graphs, but it also forces “Sin­cere­ly” to be indent­ed when it should­n’t be.

    Any sug­ges­tions? Thanks!

  3. Posted November 20, 2010 at 5:06 pm | Permalink

    Hi Matt,

    Total­ly love this theme 🙂 It’s real­ly lovely. 

    I’ve been asked to cus­tomize it for use by a pub­lish­ing house — here’s the test site:

    I was won­der­ing if it was pos­si­ble to cus­tomize it to do the following:

    1) Add a side­bar at the side — I’m sure lots of peo­ple have asked you about this and it’s a total pain, but I’m ask­ing about it any­way. What I’d like to do is have the post cat­e­gories at the top lead­ing to var­i­ous arti­cles (like it’s set up at the minute) and then use a side­bar for infor­ma­tion about the business.

    2) I’d love to be able to use cat­e­gories to decide which posts appear on the front page (then I could have have a posts page for the first page, as opposed to a sta­t­ic page). So the big post on the front page could be a fea­tured post and the oth­ers could be pulled from oth­er categories.

    Am I think­ing too ami­bi­tious­ly? I sus­pect I am. If you could let me know if you think I could cus­tomize it to do these things then I’ll keep work­ing on it. Or is there an easy way to do it?


  4. Posted November 21, 2010 at 2:26 pm | Permalink

    I’ve just start­ed to use the Eru­dite theme (in the Dutch trans­la­tion) but it does­n’t show up prop­er­ly in the Mozil­la Fire­fox brows­er, which is used by some 30 % of the Dutch. It shows the head­er and foot­er when it should­n’t and v.v. It says Toon menu (show menu) when the bar is already vis­i­ble and Ver­berg menu (hide menu) when it’s hid­den and both head­er and foot­er are vis­i­ble at the start.
    Such a shame, because it is a very beau­ti­ful theme. In the Explor­er brows­er it works well.

One Trackback

  1. By The Erudite 2.7.7 Released – Bhyllabus on November 5, 2010 at 6:38 am