FontFriend 3.1 Loves Google Webfonts

I’ve had a num­ber of requests to bet­ter inte­grate Google Web­fonts into Font­Friend. They keep adding all these great fonts that any­one can use for free, and should be part of a tool like Font­Friend. The trou­ble was that they did­n’t have an API, mak­ing it dif­fi­cult. More on that lat­er, because I got it working:

Just pick a font from the drop­down list

Invoke the book­marklet as usu­al (it’s always up to date), and you’ll see a fan­cy new Google Web­fonts drop­down. Pick a font and it’ll appear in the cus­tom Font Fam­i­lies list. All vari­ants (all weights, both roman & ital­ic) are auto­mat­i­cal­ly pulled in.

How was I able to do this with­out an API? YQL to the res­cue, which it turns out is awe­some for tasks like this. But, after post­ing a teas­er on Dribb­ble, Pablo Impal­lari hooked me up with the Google Web­fonts teams, who will have an API for this in place soon. I debat­ed wait­ing to release until then, but I’d already done the work, so why not let every­one play already?

One oth­er lit­tle nugget: Font­Friend will detect already-embed­ded Google Web­fonts on your page and throw them into the cus­tom fonts list auto­mat­i­cal­ly. See a demo of Google Web­font detec­tion.

Final­ly, after tweet­ing about it,  I’ve had rep­re­sen­ta­tives from a few web­font ser­vices reach out to me about bet­ter inte­gra­tion once they get their APIs in place. There should be more ways to play in the future!


  1. Posted May 13, 2011 at 3:56 pm | Permalink

    Awe­some work Matt! YQL rules!

  2. Matt
    Posted May 16, 2011 at 10:29 am | Permalink

    @Matt thanks!