The Erudite 2.7 Released

Word­Press 3.0 was released last week (and there was much rejoic­ing). I received a few bug reports about my inte­gra­tion with the new nav menus — essen­tial­ly if you did­n’t have a nav menu in use yet, you’d see a weird extra box in your main menu area.

I also did the long-over­due task of comb­ing through the theme (which was based on the old Sand­box theme) and remov­ing all dep­re­cat­ed func­tion calls. Scary.

Also in this release are a few new trans­la­tions from intre­pid trans­la­tors: Pol­ish (props Paweł), French, (props Ver­mont), and Indon­sian (props Cahya).

As always, the down­load is on the project page if you’re too impa­tient for it to show up on


  1. Posted July 5, 2010 at 4:40 pm | Permalink

    I just want to say that I love your theme and it serves as an awe­some base from which I’ve cre­at­ed my own variant.
    Thank you!

  2. Posted July 13, 2010 at 9:52 am | Permalink

    Kudos and a warm thank you for the splen­did theme Eru­dite. This is the kind of web envi­ron­ment that we need to keep the mind in a work­ing state.

  3. Posted August 1, 2010 at 3:54 am | Permalink

    i have installed Eru­dite 2.7 with godad­dy host­ed wordpress.
    will you please help chang­ing font of the head­er, i wish it to be same font as of the content.
    Also, how can i make head­er smooth black?
    your cre­ation is par excel­lent, but it is my per­son­al choice.

  4. Posted August 1, 2010 at 3:54 am | Permalink

    i have installed Eru­dite 2.7 with godad­dy host­ed wordpress.
    will you please help chang­ing font of the head­er, i wish it to be same font as of the content.
    Also, how can i make head­er smooth black?
    your cre­ation is par excel­lent, but it is my per­son­al choice.