WordPress 2.6 Released

The con­trib­u­tors to Word­Press have out­done them­selves this time, releas­ing v2.6 almost a month ahead of sched­ule. You can read all about it in the announce­ment on the devel­op­ment blog or watch the fol­low­ing video high­light­ing some new features:

It’s fan­tas­tic to see post revi­sions includ­ed as a sign of Word­Press’ increas­ing use­ful­ness as a CMS, and the PressThis! book­marklet looks like it will be par­tic­u­lar­ly use­ful for blog­gers who do a lot of com­men­tary and link­ing to oth­er sites. The theme pre­view­ing func­tion will be espe­cial­ly use­ful for new users to Word­Press, who will undoubt­ed­ly be pre­view­ing dozens of themes before set­tling on one. Also, I’m just lov­ing the use of Gears to speed up the admin interface!

A hearty con­grat­u­la­tions to the 75+ peo­ple who freely donat­ed their time and exper­tise to mak­ing Word­Press an even bet­ter tool! Down­load it now.

One Comment

  1. Posted August 30, 2008 at 8:43 am | Permalink

    Def­i­nite book­mark! Will be com­ing back for more.