#7 in Google Search!

After a mere week online, Soma Design now shows up on the front page of a Google search for soma design. We’re doing even bet­ter on google.ca, where we cur­rent­ly come up as #2. (We come up as #1 if you restrict the search to cana­da only.)

While there are numer­ous oth­er orga­ni­za­tions out there with some vari­a­tion on the moniker “soma design,” we felt that the world was big enough for anoth­er one. Also, since somadesign.ca was still avail­able, we decid­ed that there was def­i­nite­ly room in Cana­da for us. It’s a big country!

As for the name, why did we choose it? It’s short, catchy, easy to remem­ber and hard to spell wrong. It also allows me to indulge my nerdy side, as it’s a greek word that trans­lates to body. Body con­jures up asso­ci­a­tions of organ­ic, uni­ty in diver­si­ty, sim­plic­i­ty in com­plex­i­ty and a flair for sen­si­ble (yet quirky) design that I hope will per­vade all that we do here.


  1. steph
    Posted January 21, 2008 at 7:27 pm | Permalink


    you are now at #5 on google.com/ncr

    cheers bro.

  2. Matt
    Posted January 21, 2008 at 10:36 pm | Permalink

    @steph: nice. 🙂