Category Archives: Tips

Quix Bookmarklet

Here’s some­thing pret­ty cool — a meta-book­­marklet called by Joost de Valk. It gives you access to dozens of func­tions and book­marklets in one con­tain­er. Invoke the book­marklet and type, for instance, “gs where do babies come from” to run a Google search on the cur­rent site you’re view­ing. There are oodles of goodies […]

CSS Defense Against MS Word

Copy and past­ing from MS Word into a CMS visu­al edi­tor pro­duces a world of styl­is­tic hurt. Some defen­sive CSS styles come to the rescue.

WordPress & Google Analytics Tip

Learn how to keep your vis­its to your own Word­Press sites from show­ing up in you Google Ana­lyt­ics sta­tis­tics with one sim­ple piece of code.

Searching for Domain Names

Sell­ing domain names is a big busi­ness, which means that there’s always some­one out to make a buck off of unsus­pect­ing cus­tomers. One large domain sell­er is engag­ing in dirty prac­tices that we can help you avoid.